Attention: LLCs, Corps, Non-Profits
If you received a letter in the mail for your company and need to order an Certificate of Status, Labor Law Poster, or EIN, CLICK HERE
If you received a letter in the mail for your company and need to order an Certificate of Status, Labor Law Poster, or EIN, CLICK HERE
If you are looking to file for your fictitious name legal notice advertisement, CLICK HERE.
What is a fictitious name?
A fictitious name (also known as a“doing business as” or “dba”) is: Different from your personal name, if doing business as a sole proprietor. Different from your entity’s legal name, if you have incorporated or otherwise formed a separate legal business entity.
If you opened your fictitious name in 2022 and received a letter from us for renewal, please disregard. YOU DO NOT NEED TO FILE FOR RENEWAL. These were sent out in error. We apologize for the confusion and any inconvenience.
Year | Deadline |
2023 | 12/21/2023 |
2024 | 12/22/2024 |
2025 | 12/22/2025 |
2026 | 12/22/2026 |
2027 | 12/22/2027 |
If you fail to file your renewal, your registration will expire. When a fictitious name has expired, it cannot be renewed or reinstated. Once expired, Florida law requires a new fictitious name registration to be filed, which may require additional fees.